Since 1965, we have been continuously supporting the progress of cancer research, thanks to fundraising, and we have informed the public on the results achieved, on their potential for treatment, and on prevention.
At the core of our mission lies a common set of shared values and principles. AIRC contributes to the progress of oncology promoting young talents, supporting the most innovative research projects, and investing in cutting-edge technologies.
We are Italy’s main private funding hub for cancer research: in 2023 we allocated over €143 million to this activity.
Cancer in figures
Every day, around 1,000 people in Italy are diagnosed with cancer.
Data for 2023 estimate 395,000 total cases (208,000 in men and 187,000 in women). Rates of incidence for lung and prostate tumors are rising in men, while among women the cases of bowel and ovarian cancer are increasing.
Source: I numeri del cancro in Italia 2023 AIOM-AIRTUM-Fondazione AIOM-PASSI
These figures provide a clear picture of the social impact of a disease such as cancer, which still requires a great deal of research in order to find new treatments for those who are fighting their battle today, and for those who will get sick in the future.