

To me AIRC means hope! Hope of a world a little less gray, hope of meeting someone who understands what you are going through, hope of finding someone who can help you, hope of a cure. I believe our generation can beat cancer, we just have to want it enough and do our best!

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The word ‘cancer’ is always scary. But the disease is a teacher: facing cancer helped me appreciate what I have, made me realize that I am much more resourceful than I thought, and that even the most difficult moments can be overcome with the right people by your side and the best therapies. I’m supporting research because it’s what helped me take my life back.



Gabrielli Group has been supporting AIRC for years because investing in scientific research means investing for future generations while already seeing results. AIRC’s commitment and the general public awareness makes us feel optimistic. Besides, the future is something we build together, every day: it’s a matter of social responsibility, a value to be protected and disseminated.

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I started working at AIRC when I was little more than a child, in 1980: I was FIRC’s first ever employee. I am grateful to AIRC, FIRC and all the people I have worked with. I learned a lot, I’ve grown up and I helped AIRC grow, by committing myself to it for over 40 years.